Tuesday 19 May 2020


hoose the right determiner-

1. HSLC - 1998
    {a} He received ...... help from his
          teachers. {many------/much------/more}        
    {b} I can depend ...... friends I
          have. {few------/a few------/the few}
    {c} ...... guidance from you will be
         enough for me. {little------/a little------/
         the little}
    {d} My brother is studying in ......
          European University. {a------/an---/

2. HSLC - 1999
    {a} He gave away ...... money he
          had to the beggar. {little---/a
          little---/the little}
    {b} ...... of my friends helped me
          much in my distress. {few---/a
          few---/the few}
    {c} I got ...... help from my mother
          than my father. {much---/more---/
    {d} ...... union leader will address
          the workers. {a---/an---/the}

3. HSLC - 2000
    {a} I received ....... encouragement
          from my parents. {much---/
    {b} My brother is ....... N.C.C.
          cadet. {a---/an---/the}
    {c} He does not trust ...... friends
          he has. {few---/a few---/the few}
    {d} A busy person has ...... to
          waste. {Little---/a little---/the little}

4. HSLC - 2001
    {a} He gave me ...... one rupee
    {b} Can you lend me ...... books?
          {few---/a few---/the few}
    {c} He is ...... older than his wife
    {d} He will stay here for ...... while.
          {Little---/a little---/the little}
    {e} ...... of the boys has done his
          work. {every---/some---/each}
    {f} She has ...... things to do.
          {lots of---/much---/most}

5. HSLC - 2002
    {a} I can not give you ...... money.
    {b} Our Principal is man of ......
          words. {few---/a few---/the few}
    {c} She does not get ...... time for
          studies. {many---/much---/some}
    {d} My brother is ...... N.C.C. cadet.
    {e} This story is ...... interesting.
    {f} He has to feed his family with .
         ..... money he earns. {little---/a
         little---/the little}

6. HSLC - 2003
    {a} ...... of their property was
          destroyed in the flood. {many
    {b} He has to manage with ......
          money he earns. {little---/a little
          the little}
    {c} This is ....... European lady I
          was talking about.{a---/an---/the}
    {d} Many guests were invited, but
          only ........ turned up. {few---/a
          few---/the few}
    {e} We found the house without. ...
          difficulty. {much---/
    {f} Rajinikanta is called ....... Scott
         of Assam. {a---/an---/the}

7. HSLC - 2004
    {a} This is ...... room I work in. {a---/
    {b} ...... of the apples were rotten.
    {c} Only ...... of the applicants were
          suitable. {few---/a few---/the few}
    {d} I expect only ......
          encouragement from you.
          {little---/a little---/the little}
    {e} The workers decided to form ...
          .. union. {a---/an---/the}
    {f} Did you buy ...... bread today?

8. HSLC - 2005
    {a} Only ...... among the invitees
          turned up. {few---/a few---/the few}
    {b} Do you have ....... books on
          astrology. {some---/any}
    {c} You will have to manage with ..
          ... money you have. {little---/a
          little---/the little}
    {d} ...... undergraduate can not
          apply for that post. {a---/an---/the}
    {e} The society gives ...... respect
          to a thinker. {many---/much
    {f} This is not ...... usual
          happening. {a---/an---/the}

9. HSLC - 2006
    {a} That girl has ...... good
          qualities. {much---/more---/many}
    {b} Can you help me with .......
          money? {little---/a little---/the little}
    {c} Our Principal is a man of ......
          words. {few---/a few---/the few}
    {d} Did you buy ...... oranges
          today? {any---/some---/many}
    {e} Our teachers gave us .....
          useful advice. {many---/more---/
    {f} Kalidasa is ...... Shakespeare of
          India. {a---/an---/the}

10. HSLC - 2007
    {a} He has ...... friends who stand
          by him. {few---/a few---/the few}
    {b} Did you have ...... difficulty in
          finding the house? {many---/
    {c} His brother is ...... university
          student. {a---/an---/the}
    {d} I appreciate even ...... help they
          gave me. {little---/a little---/the
    {e} An umbrella is ...... useful
          thing. {a---/an---/the}
    {f} Have you ...... book to read?

11. HSLC - 2008
    {a} Many guests were invited, but
          only ...... turned up. {few---/a
          few---/the few}
    {b} This is the ...... European lady I
          was talking about. {a---/an---/the}
    {c} I cannot give you ...... money.
          {any---/a little---/some}
    {d} We found the house without ....
          .. difficulty. {much---/many---/
    {e} Sri Lanka is ...... island.
    {f} ...... of the boys was rewarded.

12. HSLC- 2009
    {a} He gave away .... money he
          had to the beggar.
          {little---/a little---/the little}
    {b} Reading is .... useful hobby.
    {c} Only .... of the candidates were
          suitable. {few---/a few---/the few}
    {d} They won the match without ...
          .... difficulty. {much---/more
    {e} ...... of the competitors will get
          a certificate. {any---/each---/every}
    {f} I don't expect .... help from
          them. {some---/any---/many}

13. HSLC - 2010
    {a} My brother is ...... NCC cadet.
    {b} First read ...... books you have with
          you. {few---/a few---/the few}
    {c} ...... of the oranges were rotten.
    {d} Socrates gave ...... useful advice to
          his pupils. {many---/much---/more}
    {e} Hurry up! We have only ...... time
          left. {little---/a little---/the little}
    {f} The workers decided to form ......
          union. {a---/an---/the}

14. HSLC - 2011
    {a} The painter is a man ...... words
          {few---/a few---/the few}
    {b} ...... honarary secretary gets no
          salary for holding the post.{a---/an---/
    {c} ...... of the candidate must produce
          her---/his identity card. {any---/each
    {d} India won the match with ......
          bit of luck. {little---/a little---/the little}

15. HSLC - 2012
    {a} ...... men are free from faults.
          {few---/a few---/the few}
    {b} ...... hour has passed since he left
          us. {a---/an---/the}
    {c} ...... of the students will be given a
          copy of the magazine.{every---/each
    {d} Please give me ...... money you
          have. {little---/a little---/the little}

16. HSLC - 2013
    {a} He will come back within ...... hour.
    {b} ...... men are free from faults.
          {few---/a few---/the few}
    {c} Leap year falls in ...... fourth year.
    {d} ...... learning is a dangerous thing.
          {little---/a little---/the little}

17. HSLC - 2014
    {a} I gave ...... one rupee note to the
          beggar. {a---/an---/the}
    {b} My father is ...... older than my
          mother. {many---/much---/more}
    {c} I buy ...... books every month.
          {few---/a few---/the few}
    {d} I need ...... money I have.
          {little---/a little---/the little}

18. HSLC - 2015
    {a} Please give me ...... time to finish
          the work.
    Ans: a little.
    {b} Then I will take you to ......
    Ans: the.

19. HSLC - 2016
    {a} Ramen comes home twice .....
    Ans: a
    {b} Mr Bell rang ...... bell of alarm and I
          woke up.
    Ans: the.
    {c} A busy person has ..... time to
    Ans: little.
    {d} Only ...... of the applicants were
         found suitable.
    Ans: a few.

20. HSLC - 2017
    {a} My brother is ___ NCC cadet.
    Ans : an
    {b} We found the house without ___
    Ans : much
    {c} He has to feed his family with ___
    Ans : the little.
    {d} Our Principal is a man of ___ words.
    Ans : few

21. HSLC - 2018
    {a} ___ rich are not always unkind.
    Ans : the
    {b} The principal gave the students ___
         sound advice.
    Ans : much
    {c} Every school has ___ union of the
    Ans : a
    {d} Is there ___ coffee left in the pot?
    Ans : any





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