Monday 29 June 2020


Change the voice  :

1. HSLC - 1998
    (i) We have completed the
    arrangements for the fair.
    Ans : The arrangements for the fair
    have been completed by us.

    (ii) The patient is being examined by a
    Ans : A doctor is examining the patient.

2. HSLC - 1999
    (i) The dog bites strangers.
    Ans : Strangers are bitten by the dog.

    (ii) He was taken to hospital.
    Ans : Someone took him to hospital.

3. HSLC - 2000
    (i) You should not raise this question
    Ans : This question should not be
    raised now by you.

    (ii) The bridge was completed in a
    record time.
    Ans : The workers completed the bridge
    in a record time.

4. HSLC - 2001
    (i) They say that he is a saint.
    Ans : It is said that he is a saint.

    (ii) Was a tiger killed by the hunter?
    Ans : Did the hunter kill the tiger?

5. HSLC - 2002
    (i) People speak English all over the
    Ans : English is spoken all over the

    (ii) The stage was decorated by the
    Ans :The students decorated the stage.

6. HSLC - 2003
    (i) A doctor is examining the patients.
    Ans : The patients are being examined
    by a doctor.

    (ii) The tiger was killed by the hunter.
    Ans : The hunter killed the tiger.

7. HSLC - 2004
    (i) Some boys broke the window pans.
    Ans : The window pans were broken by
    some boys.

    (ii) They have completed the work.
    Ans : The work has been completed
    by them.

8. HSLC - 2005
    (i) The teacher is correcting our copies.
    Ans : Our copies are being corrected by
    the teacher.

    (ii) My book has been stolen.
    Ans : Someone has stolen my book.

9. HSLC - 2006
    (i) Our teacher buys books every
    Ans : Books are bought every month by
    our teacher.

    (ii) I do not know his address.
    Ans : His address is not known to me.

10. HSLC - 2007
    (i) I have posted the letter.
    Ans : The letter has been posted by me.

    (ii) The lady helps the poor.
    Ans : The poor are helped by the lady.

11. HSLC - 2008
    (i) He is writing a letter.
    Ans : A letter is being written by him.

    (ii) The hunter killed the tiger.
    Ans : The tiger was killed by the hunter.

12. HSLC - 2009
    (i) The workers repaired the bridge.
    Ans : The bridge was repaired by the

    (ii) I have bought a few books.
    Ans : A few books have been bought by

13. HSLC - 2010
    (i) We discussed the matter thoroughly.
    Ans : The matter was discussed
    thoroughly by us.

    (ii) I delivered all the letters.
    Ans : All the letters were delivered by

14. HSLC - 2011
    (i) The members elected him Secretary.
    Ans : He was elected secretary by the

    (ii) The grandmother looks after the
    Ans : The child is looked after by the

15. HSLC - 2012
    (i) Children like sweets.
    Ans : Sweets are liked by the children.

    (ii) By whom can this be done?
    Ans : Who can do this?

16. HSLC - 2014
    (i) Accidents are caused by
    Ans : Carelessness causes accident.

    (ii) Who did this work?
    Ans : By whom was this work done?

17. HSLC - 2015
    (i) We were surprised at his conduct.
    Ans : His conduct surprised us.

    (ii) Why did your father refuse such an
    honourable job?
    Ans : Why was such an honourable job
    refused by your father?

18. HSLC - 2016
    (i) The Students elected him secretary.
    Ans : He was elected secretary by the

    (ii) The stage was decorated by the
    Ans : The students decorated the

19. HSLC - 2017
    (i) People speak English all over the
    Ans: English is spoken all over the

    (ii) America was discovered by
    Ans: Columbus discovered America.

20. HSLC - 2018
    (a) The letters have been posted.
    Ans: I have posted the letters.

    (b) He did the work alone.
    Ans: The work was done alone by him.

Additional Important Questions

Change the voice:

    1. We have a lot of work to do.
    Ans : A lot of work has to be done by

    2. Might I use your phone?
    Ans : Might your phone be used by me?

    3. The President gave away the prize.
    Ans : The prize was given away by the

    4. The boy is known to me.
    Ans : I know the boy.

    5. The dead body was removed from
    the the street.
    Ans : People removed the dead body
    from the street.

    6. Rose is called the queen of flowers.
    Ans : People call rose the queen of

    7. The Principal presided over the
    Ans : The meeting was presided over by
    the principal.

    8. They asked the boy many questions.
    Ans : The boy was asked many
    questions by them.

    9. He does not know me.
    Ans : I am not known to him.

    10. The bridge was repaired.
    Ans : The workers repaired the bridge.

    11. I know your father well.
    Ans : Your father is known well to me.

    12. It is time to stop the war.
    Ans : It is time the war to be stopped.

    13. It will be published by him.
    Ans : He will publish it.

    14. You must write the answer in ink.
    Ans : The answer must be written in ink
    by you.

    15. The President is selected by the
    Ans : The members select the

    16. One should keep one's promise.
    Ans : One's promise should be kept.

    17. He was invited to the meeting.
    Ans : They invited him to the meeting.

    18. A thief has stolen his clothes.
    Ans : His clothes have been stolen by a

    19. His address is not known to me.
    Ans : I don't know his address.

    20. They made me sing a song.
    Ans : I was made sing a song by them.

    21. A fine chair has been made by him.
    Ans : He has made a fine chair.

    22. Please enter by this door.
    Ans : You are requested to enter by this

    23. English is spoken all over the world.
    Ans : People speak English all over the

    24. The answer must be written in ink.
    Ans : You must write the answer in ink.

    25. Mr. Saikia bought a new car last
    Ans : A new car was bought last month
    by Mr. Saikia.

    26. The thief is being caught by the
    Ans : The police is catching the thief.

    27. The thief will be caught by the
    Ans : The policeman will catch the

    28. Do you like him?
    Ans : Is he liked by you?

    29. Let the boy be told to get in.
    Ans : Tell the boy to get in.

    30. They have been invited to the
    Ans : We have invited them to the

    31. Call in a doctor soon.
    Ans : Let a doctor be called in soon.

    32. He laughed at me.
    Ans : I was laughed at by him.

    33. His behaviour displeased me.
    Ans : I was displeased at his behaviour.

    34. Who can trust a liar?
    Ans : By whom can a liar be trusted?

    35. I was invited to the party.
    Ans : They invited me to the party.

    36. The letters are being delivered by
    the postman.
    Ans : The postman is delivering the

    37.  We had to put off our journey.
    Ans : Our journey had to be put off by

    38. A letter was being written by the
    Ans : The girl was writing a letter.

    39. Did you not invite him?
    Ans : Was he not invited by you?

    40. Work out the sum.
    Ans : Let the sum be worked out.

    41. Decent people dislike bad manner.
    Ans : Bad manner is disliked by decent

    42. Letters are delivered in the morning.
    Ans : The postman delivers the letters in
    the morning.

    43. Do not hate any one.
    Ans : Let nobody be hated.

    44. The doctor is examining the patient.
    Ans : The patient is being examined by
    the doctor.

    45. By whom was the letter posted?
    Ans : Who did post the letter?

    46. When did you call me?
    Ans : When was I called by you?

    47. He was made captain of our class?
    Ans : We made him captain of our

    48. People play football everywhere.
    Ans : Football is played everywhere.

    49. His conduct pleases me.
    Ans : I am pleased at his conduct.

    50. It is regretted very much that we
    shall hear his voice no more.
    Ans : We regret very much that we shall
    hear his voice no more.

    51. Bring me a cup of tea.
    Ans : Let a cup of tea be brought.

    52. All know Mahatma Gandhi.
    Ans : Mahatma Gandhi is known to all.

    53. Who did this work?
    Ans : By whom was the work done?

    54. Why do you dislike the boy?
    Ans : Why is the boy disliked by you?

    55. Give up your bad habits.
    Ans : Let your bad habits be given up.

    56. Some one posted the letter.
    Ans : The letter was posted.

    57. We made the child cry.
    Ans : The child was made cry by us.

    58. You must write the answer in ink.
    Ans : The answer must be written in ink
    by you.

    59. By whom was the window broken?
    Ans : Who did break the window?

    60. Will you have completed the job by
    Ans : Will the job have been completed
    by sunset by you?

    61. A letter was being written by Pinki.
    Ans : Pinki was writing a letter.

    62. The teacher is teaching us a new
    Ans : A new lesson is being taught by
         the teacher.

    63. They made him the captain.
    Ans : He was made the captain.

    64. This house is to be let.
    Ans : This house is to let.

    65. Did he do it?
    Ans : Was it done by him?

    66.  Carelessness causes accident.
    Ans : Accident is caused by

    67.  A storm damaged the house.
    Ans : The house was damaged by a

    68. Don't go there.
    Ans : You are warned not to go there.

    69. The matter should be looked into.
    Ans : We should look into the matter.

    70. Roses smell sweet.
    Ans : The rose is sweet when it is
    71. He met the saint accompanied by
    his followers.
    Ans : The saint was met accompanied
    by his followers by him.

    72. Had she kept her promise?
    Ans : Had her promise been kept by

    73. Mr. Das teaches us English.
    Ans : English is taught by Mr. Das.

    74. My pen has been stolen.
    Ans : Someone has stolen my pen.

    75. We must endure what we cannot
    Ans : We must endure what cannot be

    76. Grass grows over the field.
    Ans :  Grass is grown over the field.

    77.His behaviour vexes me sometimes.
    Ans : I am vexed at his behaviour.

    78. Could you help me, Sir?
    Ans : Could I be helped by you, Sir?

    79. What causes an earthquake?
    Ans : What is an earthquake caused?

    80. The children make a noise.
    Ans : A noise is made by the children.

    81. What are you thinking of?
    Ans : What is being thought of by you?

    82. He has done nothing.
    Ans : Nothing has been done by him.




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