Wednesday 20 May 2020


 English Grammar ||Class 10|| TENSE FORMS ||  QUESTION BANK SOLVED
Use the correct tense form of the verbs given in the brackets
1. HSLC - 1998    (a) When he entered my home, I _____    ( write ) a letter.  
  Ans : When he entered my home, I was    writing a letter.
    (b) The match ( start ) before we    reached the field.   
 Ans : The match had started before we    reached the field.
    (c) It is time you (go) home.    
Ans : It is time you went home.
2. HSLC - 1999    (a) We shall wait here until he (come)    back.    
Ans : We shall wait here until he comes    back.
    (b) When he came in, I (write) a letter.
    Ans : When he came in, I was writing a    letter.
3. HSLC - 2000    (a) He (walk) across the road when a    scooter hit him.
    Ans : He was walking across the road    when a scooter hit him.
    (b) I wish I (accept) the job.    
Ans : I wish I accepted the job.
    (c) Hurry up, the taxi (wait).   
 Ans : Hurry up, the taxi is waiting.
4. HSLC - 2001    (a) They (live) in Delhi for ten years.   
 Ans : They have been living in Delhi for    ten years.
    (b) She died after she (suffer) for five    years.    
Ans : She died after she had suffered    for five years.
    (c) Ten years (pass) since I met you.  
   Ans : Ten years have passed since I    me you.
    (d) When he came, it (be) all over.  
  Ans : When he came, it was all over.
    (e) He (stay) here until you return.  
  Ans : He will stay here until you return.
5. HSLC - 2002    (a) When he started for office, it still    (rain).   
 Ans : When he started for office, it was    still raining.
    (b) I (not meet) my friend for ages.    Ans : I have not met my friend for ages.
    (c) If you (request) him, he would have     helped you.    
Ans : If you had requested him, he    would have helped you.
    (d) She (work) in this school since    1990.   
 Ans : She has been working in this    school since 1990.
    (e) We two (be) friends for long.  
  Ans : We two are friends for long.
6. HSLC - 2003    (a) We ____ each other for the last ten    years. (Know)   
 Ans : We have known each other for the    last ten years.
    (b) If I ____ his address, I would have    contacted him. (Know)    
Ans : If I had known his address, I    would have contacted him.
    (c) Look, there ____ the  bus. (go)  
  Ans : Look, there goes the bus.
7. HSLC - 2004    (a) He can not play in the match as he    ____ his foot. (injury)    
Ans : He can not play in the match as    he has injured his foot.
    (b) I wish I____ help you. (can)    
Ans : I wish I could help you.
    (c) If I ____ you, I should not accept that    post. (be)  
  Ans : If I were you I should not accept    that post.
8. HSLC - 2005.    I hurried back to the room ___(feel) very    nervous, for it is much easier ___(steal)    something than to return it undetected.  
  Ans : I hurried back to the room feeling    very nervous, for it is much easier to    steal something than to return it    detected.
    I ___(open) the door quitely, then    ___(stand) in the doorway in clouded    moonlight.   
 Ans : I opened the door quitely, then    stood in the doorway in the clouded    moonlight.
    Anil was still asleep. I ___(creep) to the    head of the bed my hand ___(come) up    with the notes.    
Ans : Anil was still asleep. I crept to the    head of the bed my hand came up with    the notes.
9. HSLC - 2006.    (a) Father is not at home; he ____ out    (go).    
Ans : Father is not at home; he has    gone out.
    (b) He ____ the station before the train    departed. (reach)    
Ans : He had reached the station    before the train departed.
    (c) It's time we ____ home. (return)    Ans : It's time we returned home.
10. HSLC - 2007    (a) The new teacher ____ us now for six    months. (teacher)    Ans : The new teacher has been    teaching us now for six months.
    (b) Mohan ____ home before it started    raining. (reach)    
Ans : Mohan had reached home before    it started raining.
    (c) He told us that he never ____ a lie    (tell)  
  Ans : He told us that he never tells a lie.
11. HSLC - 2008    (a) Our teacher ____ to London last    year. (go)    
Ans : Our teacher went to London last    year.
    (b) John ____ a number of short stories.    (write)   
 Ans : John has written a number of    short stories.
    (c) We should never ____ a lie. (tell)    Ans : We should never tell a lie.
12. HSLC - 2009    (a) The lady slipped while she (climb)    the steps.    
Ans : The lady slipped while she    climbed the steps.
    (b) We shall wait here until he (come)    back.    
 Ans : We shall wait here until he    comes back.
    (c) He talks as if he (know) everything.    Ans : He talks as if he knew everything.
13. HSLC - 2010    (a) He jumped off the bus while it ____.    (move)    
Ans : He jumped off the bus while it    moved.
    (b) He said that he ____ the letter. (post)    Ans : He said that he would post the    letter.                                  Or    He said that he had posted the letter.    (c) He ____ a teacher since 1994. (be)    
Ans : He has been a teacher since    1994.
14. HSLC - 2011    (a) We (know) each other for five years.   
 Ans : We have known each other for    five years.
    (b) The other day I (meet) a magician in    the market.    
Ans ; The other day I met a magician in    the market.
15. HSLC - 2012    (a) She said that she (will) help her    friend.    
Ans : She said that she would help her    friend.
    (b) The boys (play) in the garden when    the tree fell down.    
Ans : The boys were playing in the    garden when the tree fell down.
16. HSLC - 2013    (a) I wish I (be) a king.    Ans : I wish I were a king.
    (b) The boy (sleep), don't disturb him.    Ans : The boy is sleeping, don't disturb    him.
17. HSLC - 2014    (a) She ____ a book when I saw her.    (read)    
Ans : She was reading a book when I    saw her.
    (b)She ____ a teacher since 2002. (be)    Ans : She has been a teacher since    2002.
18. HSLC - 2015    (a) The bell rang after we (finish) our    work.    
Ans : The bell rang after we had    finished our work.
    (b) Please ring me up as soon as he    (come).    
Ans : Please ring me up as soon as he    comes.
19. HSLC - 2016    (a) It is time we (go) to bed.    
Ans : It is time we went to bed.
    (b) She behaves as if she (know)    everything.    
Ans : She behaves as if she knew    everything.
20. HSLC - 2017    (a) If it (rain) we shall not go out.   
 Ans: If it rains, we shall not go out.
    (b) We (know) each other for the last    ten years.   
 Ans: We have known each other for the    last ten years.
21. HSLC - 2018    (a) If I (be) you, I would not have called    him again.  
  Ans: If I were you, I would not have    called him again.
    (b) The Principal is not in his room. He    (go) out.  
  And : The Principal is not in his room.    He has gone out.



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