Wednesday 20 May 2020

ENGLISH GRAMMAR ||Narration for Class 9

English Grammar|Class 9 | NARRATION | 
Change the form of narration:
1.    (a) The teacher said to me, "What are       you doing?"    
   Ans : The teacher asked me what I       was doing.
       (b) The master ordered his servant to       leave the room.      
 Ans : The master said to his servant,      "Leave the room."
2.    (a) "Will you do this for me?" I said to       him."      
 Ans :I asked him if he would do that       for me.
       (b) He told me that he had seen me       the day before.      
 Ans : He said to me, "I saw you       yesterday."
3.    (a) The teacher said to me, "Why are       you late today?"      
 Ans : The teacher asked me why I       was late that day.
       (b) Mother asked me not to mix up       with Raju.      
 Ans : Mother said to me, "Do not mix       up with Raju.
4.    (a) He said, "I shall post the letter       tomorrow."      
 Ans : He said that he would post the       letter the day after.
       (b) I asked him if he was ill.       
Ans : I said to him, "Are you I'll?"
5.    (a) The teacher said to the student,       "What is your name?"      
 Ans : The teacher asked the student       what his name was.
       (b) "I know you well", the man said to       me.     
  Ans : The man told me that he knew       me well.
6.    (a) He asked me what I was doing       there.       
Ans : He said to me, "What are you       doing here?"
       (b) Biju said to Raju, "Will you give me       your pen?"     
 Ans : Biju asked Raju if he would give       him his pen.
7.    (a) Father advised me not to tell a lie.       Ans : Father said to me, "Do not tell a       lie."
       (b) Anil said, "I made some money       yesterday."      
Ans: Anil said that he had made some       money the day before.
8.    (a) The man asked the boy if he was       a student.     
  Ans : The man said to the boy, "Are       you a student?"
       (b) Mina asked me why I was running.       Ans : Mina said to me, "Why are you       running?"
9.    (a) Father said to me, "Go home at       once."    
   Ans : Father told me to go home at       once.
       (b) Anil asked Hari Singh if he could       cook.      
 Ans : Anil said to Hari Singh, "Can you       cook?"
10. (a) He said to me, "I saw you       yesterday."       
Ans : He told me that he had seen me       the day before.
       (b) She said that she would not go       home.       
Ans: She said, "I shall not go home."
11. (a) The doctor advised the patient to       take rest.      
 Ans : The doctor said to the patient,       "Take rest."
       (b) I asked him if he would lend me       his book.       
Ans : I said to him, "Will you lend me       your book?"
12. (a) I asked the man where he lived.       Ans : I said to the man, "Where do you       live?"
       (b) I said to him, "I visited Delhi last       year."      
 Ans : I told him that I had visited Delhi       last year.
13. (a) The teacher ordered the boys to       stop talking.      
 Ans : The teacher said to the boys,       "Stop talking."
       (b) Kamal said to his sister, "Why are       you laughing?"       
Ans : Kamal asked his sister Why she       was laughing.
14. (a) The girl said to me, "Take care of       your health."       
Ans : The girl told me to take care of       my health.
       (b) He asked me what my name was.       Ans : He said to me, "What is your       name?"
15. (a) Rina said, "I have finished my       work."       
Ans : Rina said that she had finished       her work.
       (b) Mother said to me, "Shut the door."       Ans : Mother told me to shut the door.
16. (a) The woman said to me, "Are you       ill?"      
 Ans : The woman told me if I was ill.
       (b) The man said to me, "Do you play       football?"       
Ans : The man asked me if I played       football.
17. (a) He said that he had bought that       car the day before.     
  Ans : He said, "I bought this car       yesterday?"
       (b) He said to me, "What are you       doing here now?"     
  Ans : He asked me what I was doing       there then.
18. (a) He said to me, "What is the matter       with you?"    
   Ans : He asked me what the matter       was  with me.
       (b) I replied that I was afraid of him.       Ans : I said, "Are you afraid of me?"
19. (a) Rajib asked me where my book       was.      
 Ans : Rajib said to me, "Where is your       book?"
       (b) He said to me, "God is Almighty."       Ans : He told me that God is Almighty.
20. (a) He asked me if I could help him.       Ans : He said to me, "Can you help       me?"
       (b) The teacher said to me, "Don't       waste your time."       
Ans : The teacher told me not to       waste my time.
21. (a) He asked me where I lived.       
Ans : He said to me, "Where do you       live?"
       (b) She said to me, "I do not know       you."       
Ans : She told me that she did not       know me.
22. (a) He said to me, "May God bless       you."      
 Ans : He prayed that God might bless       me.
       (b) Ramen told that he had lost his       pen the day before.       
Ans : Ramen said, "I lost my pen       yesterday."
23. (a) She said to me, "Where do you       live?"      
 Ans : She asked me where I lived.
       (b) Rita said, "I can not remember       where I have kept the gold chain."      
 Ans : Rita said that she could not       remember where she had kept the       gold chain.
24. (a) Father said to me, "Are you reading       your lessons?"     
  Ans :Father asked me if I was reading       my lessons.
       (b) The boy said to me, "Please shut       the door."      
 Ans : The boy requested me to shut       the door.
25. (a) Ram said that man is mortal.       Ans : Ram said, "Man is mortal."
       (b) The old lady said, "Alas! I am       undone."      
 Ans : The old lady exclaimed with       sorrow that she was undone.
26. (a) The girl said that she had done the       work.      
 Ans : The girl said, "I have done the       work."
       (b) They said to us, "Let us go out for       a walk."      
 Ans : They proposed to us that we       should go out for a walk.
27. (a) Arun says, "I know how to play       football."    
   Ans : Arun says that he knows how to       play football.
       (b) Raja said to Rahim, "When did you       see her last?"     
  Ans : Raja asked Rahim when he had       seen her last.
28. (a) The boys said that they were       playing football then.      
 Ans : The boys said, "We are playing       football now."
       (b) She proposed that we should go       for a walk.      
 Ans : She said, "Let us go for a walk."
29. (a) He said that he had come the       previous day.      
 Ans : He said, "I came yesterday."
       (b) Amal said to me, "Are you really       happy?"       
Ans : Amal asked me if I was really       happy.
30. (a) Sumita said that she had sung a       song in the meeting the day before.       Ans : Sumita said, "I sang a song in       the meeting yesterday."
       (b) Atul said to me, "I bought a new       camera yesterday."     
  Ans : Atul told me that he had bought       a new camera the day before.
31. (a) The Principal said to me, "When       did you go to Delhi?"      
 Ans : The Principal asked me when I       had gone to Delhi.
       (b) My mother said that kindness is a       great virtue.      
 Ans : My mother said, "Kindness is a       great virtue."
32. (a) He said to us, "I didn't come here       yesterday."      
 Ans : He told us that he had not gone       there the day before.
       (b) "Don't make a noise," said the       teacher.      
 Ans : The teacher told not to make a       noise.
33. (a) Mother said to me, "Come here."       Ans : Mother told me to go there.
       (b) Uncle wished that I might succeed       in my business.     
  Ans : Uncle said to me, "May you       succeed in your business."
34. (a) I asked Rita what she was doing.       Ans : I said to Rita, "What are you       doing?"
       (b) My friend told me that he was very       thirsty.     
  Ans : My friend said to me, "I am very       thirsty."
35. (a) I asked my friend why he looked       so sad.       
Ans : I said to my friend, "Why do you       look so sad?"
       (b) Peter said, "I've just bought a car."       Ans : Peter said that he had just       bought a car.
36. (a) The Principal advised the pupils       not to run in the sun.      
 Ans : The Principal said to the pupils,       "Do not run in the sun."
       (b) Kamal said to his sister, "Why are       you laughing?"       
Ans : Kamal asked his sister why she       was laughing.
37. (a) The girl said to me, "Take care of       your health."       
Ans : The girl told me to take care of       my health.
       (b) I forbade him to invite his uncle to       the meeting.      
 Ans : I said to him, "Do not invite your       uncle to the meeting."
38. (a) Namrata said to me, "Would you       like to dance with me?"      
 Ans : Namrata asked me if I would       like to dance with her.
       (b) Anupam demanded us thirty       thousand rupees for singing in the       function.      
 Ans : Anupam said to us, " Give thirty       thousand rupees for singing in the       function."
39. (a) Pratik said to me, "I can easily cure       the patient."       
Ans : Pratik told me that he could       easily cure the patient.
      (b) I replied that he is a liar.      
 Ans : I said, "You are a liar."
40. (a) Madhusmita said to her teacher,       "Please teach me for a month."     
  Ans : Madhusmita requested her       teacher to teach her for a month.
       (b) The teacher said to her, "I have no       time to teach you."       
Ans : The teacher told her that he had       no time to teach her.
41. (a) We exclaimed with sorrow that we       could not visit the dying man.       
Ans : We said, "Alas! we can not visit       the dying man."
       (b) The man said to his sons, "Unity is       strength."      
 Ans : The man told his sons that unity       is strength.
42. (a) The Prime Minister said, "I need       five years more to make India a rich       country."     
  Ans : The Prime Minister said that he       needed five years more to make India       a rich country.
       (b) The opposition party said that he       was telling a lie.      
 Ans : The opposition party said, "He is       telling a lie."
43. (a) The doctor said, "There is no       remedy to cure this disease."   
    Ans : The doctor said that there was       no remedy to cure that disease.
       (b) The master ordered his servant to       be quite.      
 Ans : The master said to his servant,       "Be quite."
44. (a) The thief said to the policeman,       "You are a bigger thief than myself."       Ans : The thief told the policeman       that he was a bigger thief than       himself.
       (b) The leader said that police had got       licence to rob common people.       Ans : The leader said, "Police has got       licence to rob common people."
45. (a) Parmod said to me, "Beware of       police when it is night."     
  Ans : Parmod told me to beware of       police when it was night.
       (b) I replied that I did not go out at       night.      
 Ans : I said, "I do not go out at night."
46. (a) Paramananda was shouting for       help.    
   Ans : Paramananda said, "Help me."
       (b) My mother said, "We should help       him."      
 Ans : My mother said that we should       help him.
47. (a) Bipul said to me, "A coward has no       right to live."     
  Ans : Bipul told me that a coward had       no right to live.
       (b) I said to him that he was partly       right.      
 Ans : I said to him, "You are partly       right."
48. (a) Uncle said to me, "Study with full       concentration."       
Ans : Uncle advised me to study with       full concentration."
       (b) I said to him that I would be a       good teacher.    
   Ans : I said to him, "I shall be a good       teacher.'
49. (a) Jaymati welcomed me to the       party.     
  Ans : Jaymati said to me, "Welcome       to the party."
       (b) Jyoti Prasad said, "I have written a       new play."      
 Ans : Jyoti Prasad said that he had       written a new play.
50. (a) Dipen thanked me.       
Ans : Dipen said to me, "Thank you."
       (b) I said to him, "I shall do hard       labour to be a good and intelligent       boy."      
 Ans : I told him that I would do hard       labour to be a good and intelligent       boy.
51. (a) He said to me, "I saw you       yesterday."     
  Ans : He told me that he had seen me       the previous day.
       (b) Father said to me, "Don't tell a lie."       Ans : Father advised me not to tell a       lie.
       (c) I asked Rita what she was doing.       Ans : I said to Rita, "What are you       doing?"
       (d) The saint said, "Kindness is a       great virtue."      
 Ans : The saint said that kindness is a       great virtue.
52. (a) Jolly said to me, "I wanted to meet       you yesterday."       
Ans : Jolly told me that he had       wanted to meet me the day before.
       (b) I asked Rajiv how he was that day.       Ans : I said to Rajiv, "How are you       today?"
53. (a) He said, "What are you doing here,       Mina?"       
Ans : He asked Mina what she was       doing there.
       (b) She said that she would return the       book next day.      
 Ans : She said, "I shall return the book       tomorrow."
       (c) The teacher said to us, "Don't       neglect your study."       
Ans : The teacher advised us not to       neglect our study.
54. (a) Rajesh says, "I have done it."       Ans : Rajesh says that he has done       that.
       (b) The teacher advised me to read       attentively.      
 Ans : The teacher said to me, "Read       attentively."
       (c) He said to me, "My mother is       suffering from diarrhoea."       
Ans : He told me that his mother was       suffering from diarrhoea.
       (d) Julius Caesar said that he was not       a coward.    
   Ans : Julius Caesar said, "I am not a


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